What are the benefits of standard membership? (for teachers)

    Standard Members get the following benefits:

    • Early access to jobs: Standard members get a lead of up to 2 hours to apply to a post. Standard members with the highest rating get lead of 2 hours. 

    • Top Placement in the search results: This leads to more exposure and hence more student inquiries. About 50% of the jobs go through direct contact or booking of the teachers. If you are a standard member, and on top of the list, it increases your chances of getting those jobs directly. 

    • Featured on Social Media Pages/Paid Ads (twice every month)

    • Featured on Google Ads (once every month)

    • Profile recommendation to up to 2 customers in a month.

    • With more  and higher ratings:

    • You rank higher in the listings than other standard members with fewer and lower ratings.

How much does it cost?

75aed per month

750 aed per year, save up to 150aed (2 months free)

Membership for Resources - to be launched later